Bronx Slang

Track: Bronx Slang are wise to wonder what will become of ‘Jane’
FABYL’S no-messin’ duo Bronx Slang have been bringing us the B-boy flow on a regular basis, track by track, news bulletin by news bulletin, across the past few months; dropping in to remind us with last October’s excellent mixtape, the clear-eyed flow and crisp breaks of “Just Say No” in March, last month’s tough “Happens …

Track: Bronx Slang – ‘Happens A Lot’: examining the rise and fall of the rhymer with tough old-skool breakz
STILL rhyming with power, truth, rhythm; still living it in the Big (Rotten) Apple, Beeks and Miggs of Bronx Slang keep the gems coming from street-level observations as they shape up for their album later this year? When? When? Jeez, if only I could tell you – I don’t know myself; let’s at least be …

Track: Bronx Slang – ‘Just Say No’: into ’21 with clear-eyed flow and crisp breaks
FRESHLY scrubbed and lyrically equipped, Bronx Slang come slammin into ’21 with some fine verbal consciousness rising with their first drop of the new year. Ollie Miggs and Jerry Beeks are still seeing true; still understanding just how we got here and where we really oughta be, and they’re railing against the construct that keeps …

TRACK: Bronx Slang – ‘Copy That’: crisp breakz come with a warning
FRESH from the Bronx Kill Mixtape of a few weeks back, and absolutely, wholly not content to leave matters there, Bronx Slang are leaving us another hard-hitting breakz bomb to splash your face with the cold water of lyrical reality. It’s a grandstanding track built from big guitar fuzz, courtesy UK producer Fake Blood; a …

TRACK: Bronx Slang tease for next year’s album with a new mixtape
OLLIE MIGGS and Jerry Beeks, the B-boy lyrical scientists better known to us as Bronx Slang, are teasing for a new album in ’21 with 19 minutes of hard-hitting, conscious mixtape for Fabyl – which is out now. They’re reporting back from the frontlines in NYC as America slides deeper into pandemic and division. “You …