Big Naturals

Say Psych: Psych Lovers Top Ten Albums of 2016
Psych Lovers is a Facebook group for fans of all things, well, psych; and is probably the best thing that I belong to on the internet. Even though its been in existence for less than a year many of us have got to know each other well enough to do a poll for the best new albums …

Say Psych: Live, 2016 Liverpool International Festival of Psychedelia
It is doubtful, even in the reified levels of psych music fans, that Keita Ise and Njål Clementsen are two names that easily trip off the tongue. Yet trip is exactly what these two guys sent me on at the latest instalment of the Liverpool International Festival of Psychedelia, now in its fifth year, held …

Say Psych: Playlist 15/2016
A mixture of new releases and sounds that have been out a while, but are new to me. I continue to be astounded by just how much good music is out there. Check it out and enjoy! Higher Now by Drakkar Nowhere When I first heard the debut, eponymously titled, album from the Phenomenal …

Say Psych: Album Review, Big Naturals & Anthroprophh s/t
For anyone with any history with Paul Allen, Gareth Turner and Jesse Webb, the trio who make up Big Naturals and Anthropropph; you would expect from the outset that this is not going to be an album of harmonic ballads or even gentle lilting space rock. All three have a reputation of delivering hard hitting …