Bertha DocHouse

Film Review: The Other Side of Everything
Yugoslavia, or more pertinently, the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, was established as a central European communist ideal in 1945. Comprising Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Slovenia and Montenegro, it was a socialist federation which distanced itself from the USSR to its east and pursued a policy of neutrality. As with any utopian construct, …

Film Review: Devil’s Freedom
Documentaries can serve as many things but one of their most important roles is that of providing testimony. Not every atrocity can be captured on camera. There are many different ways to hold the guilty to rights but there’s not always the chance for justice, and all too often the victims do not get a …

Film Review: Between Land and Sea
The sea has long proved an obsession for man. Writers, poets and musicians have drawn inspiration from, and been guided by, their relationship with bodies of water for centuries. Some are on a quest to tame it. Others just want to bask in its omnipotence. There are those though who wish to ride it. Surfers …

Film Review: Hondros
As Western consumers, our knowledge and understanding of far flung wars is driven by coverage from war correspondents. However, in a world riddled with conflict and overflowing with professional and amateur reportage, it’s often the images which stay with us the most. Chris Hombros was one of the most celebrated and highly-respected war photographers of …

Film Review: A Suitable Girl
It must be an absolute nightmare for teenagers growing up in a world of social media, Snapchat, Tinder and Grindr. Everything we do or say nowadays can be instantly captured and uploaded. Dating agencies and ads in the paper have been replaced by swiping right and Instagram filters. Imagine the complication of adding family into …

Film Review: The Cinema Travellers
It’s easy to take for granted how readily available films are nowadays. My city, for example, has four multiplexes and two independent cinemas. Then there’s special events and local cinema clubs/societies. Not to mention the ease of streaming movies in your own home. We’re fortunate in the UK. Even the more remote places aren’t too …

Film Review: Trophy
There are more predators in South Africa now than one hundred years ago. This is the contradiction at the heart of Christina Clusiau and Shaul Schwarz’s new film Trophy. Like most right-minded people, I believe trophy hunting to be absolutely abhorrent. The thought of rich North Americans flying out to Africa so they murder a …