ancient river

Say Psych: Interview: Meet the Label – The Acid Test Recordings
Neo-Psychedelia has become the fastest growing musical trend, and the genre that everyone who wants to be associated with. With that in mind, it’s easy to forget that it is people who make all of this possible and get the music out into the public domain in the first place. Say Psych plans to address …

Meet: Ancient River talk to us about ‘Keeper Of The Dawn’
With the release of their sixth album, ‘Keeper Of The Dawn’, and appearances all over the globe, it’s fair to say that Florida duo Ancient River are one of the main stalwarts of the current psych scene. Their vast kaleidoscope of sound has it’s roots in the swampy blues of the American South, but over …

Say Psych: Album Review – Keeper of the Dawn by Ancient River
At a time when every man and his bong can be said to be exploring the final frontier with cathedral reverb plastered all over their stoned guitar noodling, it is becoming increasingly difficult to stand apart from the rabble. Ancient River try their best at saying something new by, perversely, not saying very much at …