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album review

Album Review: The Jesus and Mary Chain reveal their stunning ‘Glasgow Eyes’ – an intoxicating mix of swagger and attitude with just a hint of reflection.

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‘Find Me A Cloud’ is The Grogans‘ fourth album, and it shows a band that is willing to push sonic boundaries and explore a range of sounds, all grounded in a common thread of insouciance and swagger. The band says of the album: ‘Find Me A Cloud’ has felt a little different from other albums …

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Teen Jesus and the Jean Teasers have just unleashed their highly anticipated debut album, ‘I Love You’, and it’s a musical rollercoaster of emotions that’s sure to have your heart melting. Get ready to grab the eyeliner and maybe even block your ex in advance, because this quirky quartet has a lot to say about …

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 Nat Vazer has just released her album ‘Strange Adrenaline’ and it is a glorious compilation of personal vignettes burnished by Vazer’s diaphanous vocals – velvet and yearning, dripping with melancholy and vivid expressions. It comes as Vazer announces a string of live events supporting the new album. Vazer says of the album: Writing this album …

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The prodigious talented Hobart musician Ben Salter in recent years released a trilogy of recordings he did as artist in residence at the Museum Of Old and New Art (MONA) – the largest privately funded collection of art in the southern hemisphere, the last two of which we reviewed here at Backseat Mafia. Salter’s work was an eclectic …

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greenhouse have been together a while – first playing together in the late eighties but never quite getting around to releasing an LP despite some singles and EPs on the way. ‘Centre Of The Universe’ is their debut and it is fitting that the opening track is entitled ‘Here I Am’ – a fitting declaration …

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The wonderful The Belair Lip Bombs today unveil their debut album ‘Lush Life’ and exclusively take Backseat Mafia on a detailed track by track analysis of the album. The Belair Lip Bombs are purveyors of the most magnificent brand of blistering indie pop and ‘Lush Life’ captures their energy and songwriting, with a delicious air …

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The legend that is Fiona Boyes continues to grow with the release of her 11th solo effort, Ramblified. For those unaware of Fiona Boyes, she is one of those rare masters of her craft who tends to sail under the radar of the mainstream, yet still commands attention as an artist of significant talent, and …

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Matt Malone, along with his band the Holy Spirits, bleeds pain, anguish and sorrow from every note in his new album ‘For The term Of His Natural Life’, and every track cuts with a visceral knife. And yet wallowing in such a dark shadowy world is utterly cathartic and immensely enjoyable. Whether this is some …

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Murphnick is the nome de plume of one Nick Murphy and it has been a strange ride for Murphy to reach this stage, to say the least. More of that story later, for it doesn’t define the nature nor quality of his new album ‘Strange Ride’ – a glorious collection of understated indie pop anthems …

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Trio Humble from the seaside town of Kiama have released their album ‘There’s Still Time’: an intriguing collection of refined chaos that is as utterly compelling as it is fun. Ranging from the raw delicacy of The Go-Betweens to the swagger of the New York Dolls, the troubadour musings of Jonathan Richmond to the clattering …

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