Belgian based The Kitchen Sink Drama, formed around singer Claire Wilcock have released a new video for their debut single, Idiot. Veterans of the pop game, and boasting (among others) a former member of Poisoned Electrick Head (now there was a band) they describe their sound as being “cautionary tales of domestic bliss gone sour, continuing a long tradition of British Pop that finds faded glamour in the gutter, and diamonds littered amongst the broken wine glasses”.
And that’s what it is. A tear-filled, lying on your bed staring at the ceiling slice of synth infused indie pop, it’s melodic and manages to be uplifting whilst still being melancholy. Maybe its that melody, that’ll still be buzzing around your head later, tomorrow, next week……. As the band say “You’ll dance, but with tears in your eyes”. Quite so.
Check out the video, here
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