There is a wild untrammeled madness to the new single ‘Fuzzy’ by Welsh band Bandicoot that is utterly mesmerising and incandescent. There are no brakes on this particular vehicle – a doo-wop singing style infused with a gritty attitude, reverb-soaked vocals and an arched eyebrow or two: stylistic, cool and unhinged. It’s just brilliant. The band says:
FUZZY is a deranged attempt at seduction which draws on 70s ‘Top of the Pops’, glam rock and memories of misguided adolescence.
Seductive with all the delicacy of a velvet coated sledgehammer. It’s delirious fun.
The video, which we are honoured to premiere today, is a single take shot of the band – it’s all brylcreemed black leather-jacketed loucheness and a frantic, frenetic performance that is stunning. Matched guitars in a lipstick red, sneers and attitude. Try looking away, just once. The band says of the video:
Filmed in our back garden in one take, it captures the rawness and frantic energy of FUZZY. It felt appropriate to film the video where the song itself was born, at the scene of many a wayward night.
Wayward nights, dank dark alleyways, red velvet lounges and an air of debauchery, opulence and indulgence. Lust and depravity. Somehow it’s all captured in this single video of the band in frenetic perfomance mode against a simple backdrop. We all want to be in this gang, and have a snifter of what they’re imbibing:
FUZZY will be unleashed to the public on 9 April 2021 through the brilliant Libertino Records and available through all the usual download/streaming sites. Hollol wych.
Connect with Bandicoot online at Facebook, Twitter, Spotify, Bandcamp and Instagram.

Feature Photograph: @BethanMillerco
[…] the brink of chaos, no-holds-barred approach of the band continues with style and panache (see our review of previous single […]
[…] is always a frisson of heady excitement when Bandicoot are on the prowl. We premiered their demonic video to the track ‘FUZZY’ last year and reviewed a number of […]