News: Merlot Embargo Release New Single ‘All Wrong’

Merlot Embargo returns with another graceful single, ‘All Wrong’, a glowing folk-pop blend that pours ineffable but relatable emotional strains into every aspect, from the honest wisdom in the lyricism to the reserved rhythms of the acoustic guitar. As the instrumentation emerges, it quickly becomes a shining presence, with the melody feeding into every part of the accompaniment, building a warm and caring scenery around the silky lead vocals. True to form, the track feels innately comforting, harnessing an ability to bring a smile to your face.

Taking a deeper dive into the track’s themes and meaning, the band explains, “’All Wrong’ is about trying to fit in but feeling like you’re just not fooling anyone. It uses the acting analogy, with the idea of playing to an audience, poorly. But this feeling of masking is so universal; this is just one angle. There are ideas of ADHD/Autism/neurodivergence and trying to sort of fake your way to being ‘normal’; there are nights with jokes and sets that just don’t land for the comedian. There’s also the idea that we don’t let people see who we really are. Fear of allowing our faults to be seen is something we all feel.”

Merlot Embargo’s origin story is as compelling as their music. The band began with a near-fatal car accident, a high-speed highway crash near San Antonio, Texas, that crushed their little Toyota Yaris and sent them scrambling out the newly-destroyed rear window. Miraculously, the duo walked away close to injury-free, their brush with death giving them a newfound sense of self-reflection. This newfound creative energy spurred them to begin sharing their music with the world.

Scarlet and Geoff might seem an unlikely duo: a seat-of-the-pants, army brat singer-songwriter paired with a native Californian music school nerd and engineer by day. Yet, their contrasting approaches to music (and life) have fused into something truly unique. They temper each other’s worst tendencies and, in their good moments, bring out the best qualities in each other. When supported by their band, Merlot Embargo crafts a little piece of heaven.

Spending the last few months unveiling their second album, Merlot Embargo has continued to be lauded performers across Southern California. Each honest and delicate release provides solace to fans and critics alike, solidifying their place in the folk-pop landscape.

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