News: Manchester’s By Wednesday Returns with Melancholic Indie-Pop Bop ‘Hitchcock Hero’

By Wednesday, the Manchester-based quartet known for their atmospheric indie-pop sound, has made a triumphant return with their latest single, ‘Hitchcock Hero’.

The new release showcases the band’s signature style, built around layered, reverb-tinted guitar riffs and a plucky bass line, all carried by a swaying, tight drum beat. The track captures a melancholic, thoughtful tone, further emphasized by its introspective lyricism and understated vocal delivery. Drawing comparisons to early Bloc Party and The Smiths, ‘Hitchcock Hero’ intertwines catchy melodies with a striking, alternative musicality.

In discussing the creation of the single, Conor, By Wednesday’s singer and lead guitarist, shared insights into the song’s origins. “This song started with an idea Rob (our bassist) recorded at home and put in our shared Google Drive. We all worked on our parts and played it through at band practice, quickly turning it into a progressive track. The song is based around a moody bassline that builds throughout as all the other parts build around it. The drum beat helps drive this song and almost offsets the moody vibe. It reminds me of Interpol’s songs where all the instruments add a different flavor to the song and work to create something together.”

The lyrics of ‘Hitchcock Hero’ delve into themes inspired by the iconic filmmaker Alfred Hitchcock, particularly the recurring motif of a protagonist falsely accused and pursued. Conor elaborates, “Lyrically, it’s not about anything or anyone specific. I tend to write a lot of verses or phrases that I think would work in a song on my phone before there’s any music for them. Then I put them together when we have the music for them, and there’s a theme that links them. The line about ‘Hitchcock Hero’ comes from a theme in Hitchcock films where the main character is falsely accused of a crime or an act and then pursued for the rest of the film. You could say this song is about the type of person who thinks a lot of themselves, thinks they’re always right, and likes to play the victim even when they’re wrong – I’m sure most of us have met that type of person before.”

With ‘Hitchcock Hero’, By Wednesday is poised to expand their reach beyond Manchester, ready to launch their music on a national scale. As they continue to deliver electrifying performances and produce compelling tracks, the band’s future looks bright. Keep an ear out for By Wednesday; their latest single is just the beginning of what promises to be an exciting journey.

Listen below:

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