News: Diving Horse Continues to Captivate with New Single ‘Sometimes I Feel Like a Fool’

Emerging from Glasgow’s thriving music scene, alternative sextet Diving Horse release their vibrant new single ‘Sometimes I Feel Like a Fool’.

‘Sometimes I Feel Like a Fool’ is a vibrant and uplifting track that perfectly encapsulates Diving Horse’s distinctive sound. The song draws inspiration from the later works of Talking Heads, blending poppy, upbeat rhythms with introspective lyrics that explore the universal experience of feeling foolish. The result is a track that feels both nostalgic and fresh, inviting listeners to sing along to its catchy chorus while also reflecting on its deeper meaning. This combination of thoughtful songwriting and infectious energy is a hallmark of Diving Horse’s music, and ‘Sometimes I Feel Like a Fool’ is no exception.

Speaking about the new release, the band shared their creative process: “For this song, we wanted to write a chorus you could sing along to, and ‘Sometimes I Feel Like a Fool’ is what came out. Musically, the song is inspired by the later works of Talking Heads, and lyrically, the song masks feeling like a fool under poppy rhythms. We hoped to tap into a universal feeling we all have and say, ‘Don’t worry about it too much!’”

Diving Horse draws inspiration from influential bands like The National and LCD Soundsystem, combining artful indie rock with propulsive beats to create a sound that is both cerebral and danceable. With ‘Sometimes I Feel Like a Fool,’ Diving Horse continue to showcase their rich musicality and authenticity.

Listen below:

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