News: Aruna Shares Radiant New Pop-Rock Fizzer ‘thoughts & therapy’

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Passionate about championing diversity within her music, Aruna creates a space for those who feel they lack representation, pushing the boundaries of what it means to be a woman of colour in pop. This vision comes to life in her new single ‘thoughts & therapy’.

Placing herself amongst the nostalgic rise of pop bangers laced with a punk-tinged bite, Aruna’s new single opens with an unapologetic statement. Muted electric guitar chords ignite a fire under vocals delivered with infectious passion. As emotions rise into the chorus, a soaring lead line crashes through cymbal-filled drums and rhythmic accompaniment, delivering raw honesty about the highs and lows of romance. Relatable, fierce, and anthemic, ‘thoughts & therapy’ propels Aruna to a position of power, casting justice on the bitter enchantment of someone she once held close.

Aruna shares the story behind the track: “’thoughts & therapy’ is a coming-of-age tune representing a time when I was trying to navigate the world on my own after a break-up. At nearly 26, I’m still not sure what it means to be an adult—this is the chaos I hoped to encapsulate by juxtaposing tearful and heart-wrenching moments from my real life alongside the more sarcastic and bratty tongue-in-cheek lyrics. The older I grow, the more I realize that all of us are simply works in progress, and in the never-ending process of realizing our true selves, we can all come across as ‘the villain’ sometimes. While in those moments, it’s okay to feel like the victim for a bit; it’s all about finding your own redemption arc by taking accountability for your own happiness.”

Aruna’s ‘thoughts & therapy’ is an anthem of self-discovery and empowerment, showcasing her ability to blend personal vulnerability with fierce, relatable narratives.

Listen below:

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