Swiss/German symphonic metallers Ad infinitum are all set to release their new album ‘Chapter III – Downfall’ at the end of this month. Backseat Mafia caught up with bassist Korbinian Benedict to find out a little bit about the new album and their favourite shows from their recent tour with ‘Amaranthe’, ‘Beast In Black’ and ‘Butcher Babies’ (read our review here).
I had the absolute pleasure of catching you guys in Manchester last October when you toured with ‘Amaranthe’, ‘Beast In Black’ and ‘Butcher Babies’. From my vantage point you were absolutely stunning and I’m sure you gained a few new fans from that gig but what was it like from your perspective?
Thank you! Manchester was a great concert for us. It was one of the highlights of the tour. Honestly, we didn’t expect such a great feedback from the audience but we were very happy and overwhelmed by it. After the concert we were standing at the merch booth signing stuff and a lot of visitors told us how much they enjoyed our performance.
Unfortunately ‘Amaranthe’ weren’t able to make the Manchester show but I believe you were all given slightly longer sets, so I just wondered how easy was it to choose songs to slot in to make up the extra time you were given on stage ? Do you have songs which don’t make it onto set lists but you have standing by just in case ?
The decision was not difficult. We always prepare more songs than we need for a set in case we either can play longer or we need to change songs on the fly.
We had a short discussion and then decided to add See you in hell and Your enemy (if I remember correctly.)
I’ve noted that you only have 2 shows pencilled in for 2023 so far, ‘Masters Of Rock’ and ‘Summer Breeze’. Have you got any other gigs or festivals in the pipeline? Are there any countries or shows that you would love to play?
There are more shows, festivals and tours in the pipeline or planning. They all we be announced as soon as we are allowed or as soon as the planning is finished.
So far – because of the pandemic we didn’t have the chance to play a lot. Luckily, every show so far was great and we would love to come back to all of them.
But one of the highlights of the tour were the shows on the UK, so we definitely want to come back to the UK as soon as possible.
Let’s see what the future brings.
Have you got any favourite places to play ? Are there any shows that you have played that standout for you?
As above mentioned Manchester was great. Also we enjoyed the enthusiasm of the crowd in eastern Europe.
For example when we played in Czech Republic – it was a smaller venue but it was so packed and the crowd was so energetic. They started screaming as soon as the Intro started. Also it was one of the hottest stages we have ever been on. Literally condensating water was pouring down from the ceiling and walls. There is something special about those kind of concerts.
Your new album, ‘Chapter III – Downfall’ is due out on March 31st on Napalm Records. Are there any insights into the album that you can give us? Does it have the same vibes as your previous albums?
The vibe of the album is definitely different because we always want to create something new and dare to go into new directions. But you can still hear that it’s Ad Infinitum. Some key elements of our sound or style are of course still there.
For Downfall we chose a female protagonist (Cleopatra) for the first time. The ancient Egyptian world is so full of stories, gods & goddesses, tragedies and characters. It was very inspiring to compose the songs around this world.
Musically we incorporated a lot of tribal drums and sounds into the mix of the songs in addition to the obvious harmonic choices.
Are there any bands that you really want to share a stage with? Any idols that you would love to tour the world with?
Every one of us has their individual idols and bands that we would love to meet or even play with either on tour or on a festival. Our idols are quite different so I (Korbinian) will just name a few of my bands I would love to play with: Iron Maiden, Nightwish, Within Temptation, Arch Enemy, Jinjer, Volbeat, Architects, In Flames, Scar Symmetry etc… the list is very long!
How easy was the writing process for the new album? Did you manage to get much of the material written over lockdown? Did lockdown help you nail some of the tracks or did the creative process get hampered at all by Lockdown?
The writing process was easier for Downfall compared to Chapter II because there were less restrictions.
We all gathered ideas, worked on them online together and then met at an Airbnb in the middle of nowhere and worked on the songs together. Some of the songs we started writing there from the beginning, some we finished or nearly finished them.
It is definitely better to be together in a room and work on songs. So we are glad that this is possible again.
Last but not least, what are your 3 favourite albums of 2022, and any standouts from 2023 do far?
I will answer this again from my point of view:
In Flames Foregone
Slipknot The end, so far
The two singles from Metallica … waiting for the album!
Arch Enemy Deceivers
Haken Lovebite
More than three – but I hope that’s ok
Massive thanks again for your time and I really do hope to catch you live again soon.
Thank you and hope to see you soon in the UK or anywhere else in the world!
Find out more via the band’s Website or Facebook
Pre-order the album Chapter III – Downfall here
Check out the band’s video for track ‘From The Ashes’, below:
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