Meet: Sheffield Rockers Doomsday Outlaw And Listen To New Single ‘One More Sip’

Chris Saunders

Sheffield’s blues rockers Doomsday Outlaw are all about writing catchy rock n roll songs and have cemented their place with the release of their last album Hard Times. With a handful of singles so far including the recent release ‘One More Sip’, we caught up with the band to find out a little more about them.

Give us a potted history of the band

Indy: The band was started by our original guitarist, Steve in 2013 but I think it was when Phil joined in 2015, and his bluesy soulful singing style meshed with the riffing and music that Steve was creating, that we discovered our sound properly. There’s been a lot of chopping, changing and learning over the last seven years, releasing a couple of albums, working with Frontiers Records, and playing bigger and better gigs, including Bloodstock as a big highlight. Over the pandemic we’ve been settling in a couple of new members which has all gone great, with a settle line up of Phil (vocals), Alez and Rowan (guitars), me (bass) and Nic (drums) – and recently getting Ryan out with us on keyboards. He’s been on all the albums, but we’d only had him onstage with us once before; and his playing has gone down great and really added something to the mix. As well as working on that, we’ve been getting a new record deal with Republic of Music to help us get the new album out as well as look at the back catalogue.

Who inspired you to start making music

Phil: My college music teacher was the first person to ever truly give me confidence in my singing. It’s something I’d always loved doing but she was the first to let me know I was any good, and push me in that direction. For that reason she will always mean a lot to me.

Indy: I was inspired to pick up an instrument by listening to Led Zeppelin and the Beatles, but it was usually the people around me that pushed me on. My first band, when I was fourteen, had a guitar prodigy who was ridiculous. We’d decide on a cover version and come in the next day and he always had it nailed – and I’m talking Extreme, Van Halen, Vai-era Whitesnake. He was insanely good!

And the one or maybe two records that inspired you artistically

Indy: There was a slew of records around 1989-91 that really gelled for me where songwriting and production all came together. I’m thinking No More Tears (Ozzy), Wake Me When It’s Over (Faster Pussycat), Dr Feelgood (Motley Crue), Pride and Glory, Badlands, Lynch Mob. So much good stuff!

Phil: Blood Sugar Sex Magic (Red Hot Chili Peppers) because it was my favourite album as a kid. It’s what made me wanna be in a band. And Roy Harper, Flat Baroque and Berserk – because lyrically he’s just an incredibly story teller; it made me want to be better at writing.

If you’re trying to explain whom you sound like to someone that’s never heard you, what do you say

Phil: I don’t , I play them something and let them make their own mind up.

Tell us about your new track

Phil: One More Sip is simple; it’s about my battle with depression and being lost – struggles with addiction and how to get through that. It’s something that can affect anyone and dealing with it is personal to everyone.

Indy: That’s what I love about Phil’s writing – however straightforward it seems at first, there’s always a lot going on underneath. I love that a serious subject is all wrapped up in a joyful summer country rocker. It’s our first release on Republic of Music, and is just a heads up that we’re back before we launch the next stage!

Where can we get hold of it

Indy: You can stream or download One More Sip from here:

Tell us how you write

Indy: The vast majority of what we’ve done up to now has been Steve coming up with the foundation of a tune, the riffs, chords etc and the band jamming it out a little before handing over to Phil to see what sparks for him on melodies and lyrics. There’s been a few tunes where Phil, Gav or myself have brought an idea in to start it off – but Steve is definitely the living spring of riffing! Over the pandemic, we’ve started jamming a few new ideas out, but they’re on the back burner as we concentrate on the new album now that the world’s opening back up a bit.

Tell us about your live show and how much have you been missing it recently

Indy: We have a phrase: “tight but loose”. That’s the holy grail for our live performance. We know the tunes inside out, but we never want it to just regress to muscle memory and become automatic – if you aren’t feeling it, then the crowd aren’t gonna feel it either. I’m lucky that I’m surrounded by a very talented group of musicians and a great singer cos you can hear people stretching and trying new things all the time that keeps it fresh. And recently we’ve been able to get Ryan out for most live shows which has given us an added dimension too. We want people who come to see us to have a great time, shout along, have a dance and come and say hi afterwards!

What can we expect from you in the near future

Indy: It’s a bit under wraps at the moment, but we have the next album in the can and ready to go. The plan is to announce the details over the summer – title, release date, pre-order – and build to having in people’s sweaty palms next year. Watch this space!

Tell us your favourite records that’s rocking your headphones/tour bus/stereo

Indy: I tend not to stick with something too long cos I don’t wanna get bored of it so I’ll flit between classic rock, 80s glam, Motown, 80s pop, 90s indie. Whatever I grab out the drawer of CDs when I head out to the car – see what happens!

Phil: My favourite album ever is Blood Sugar Sex Magic – it’s one of the few I can happily listen to from start to finish over and over. But right now I’m listening to a lot of Highly Suspect – it’s rare a day goes by without me listening to something by them.

Find out more via the band’s Website or Facebook

Check out the band’s track One More Sip, below:

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  1. […] Read our interview with the band here […]

  2. […] Read our interview with the band here […]

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