Meet: Nate Bergman; A Bruce Springsteen For The Noughties

What do you get if you cross Bruce Springsteen with Otis Redding? A damn fine artist called Nate Bergman has been wowing audiences in the UK whilst supporting Amigo The Devil on tour. Backseat Mafia found out where he came from, who inspired him and what the future looks like.

Give us a potted history of yourself

I was in band for over a decade called LIONIZE that had a storied run in the Stoner-Rock/Reggae/Jam world. That came to an end at the close of 2019 and I sort of soft-launched my solo career in 2020, Really in 2022 the hard push began and it quickly caught on with some of my favourite artists who then took me on tour. Some of those bands include: Thursday, Clutch, The Sword, The War & Treaty, L.S.Dunes, Amigo the Devil, Will Hoge, Hanson, Anthony Green, Cursive and more.

Who inspired you to start making music

I saw the Rolling Stones Voodoo lounge tour ’92 at RFK stadium in Washington, DC and that was it.

And the one or maybe two records that inspired you artistically

First album was Van Morrisons “Moon Dance” and Bob Marley’s “Uprising” – I felt those albums in my gut. The song-writing, the storytelling and the visceral soul. That’s what immediately connected me to music. They are also perfect albums all the way through start to finish. Especially “Uprising” ending with ‘Redemption Song’ – the most poetic and haunting folk song maybe ever written.

What do you say if you’re trying to explain who you sound like to someone who’s never heard you

I think Polly Glass nailed it when she said Bruce Springsteen Crossed with Otis Redding and the lyrics of Jason Isbell. Pretty damn close and all three huge influences. It’s a sort of rock/folk/soul explosion. But the twist is I’m heavily inspired by the punk scene.

Tell us about your new single

I have just released two songs (well, one is out and the other comes out August 13th). The first one is ‘Deep End’  and is an acoustic solo song recorded in Nashville, TN at Bombshelter Studios and recorded live to 2-inch tape. It features Jack Lawrence of the Raconteurs on bass and me on acoustic guitar. Lyrically it’s inspired by coming out of the losing end of a gamble. What it feels like after you take a chance and it doesn’t work out. That isolating, losing feeling.

The second single is a cover of My Chemical Romances’ “Helena” and it’s one of my favourite things I’ve ever done. I had the chance to see the band do some arena shows last year and I was blown away by how universal and huge their songs are. Some of the best chorus parts of all time. So I wanted to figure out something to sing on some upcoming shows with Thursday, whose singer Geoff Rickly sort of discovered the band early on and I thought what better song than that. It took off and I decided to record it exactly how I play it live solo and it absolutely crushes. I’m very proud of it.

Where can we get hold of it

Anywhere you stream music world wide

Tell us how you write

I have no set method. Long Walks, Showers, noodling on the guitar. It sort of comes to me more than I set out to write.

Tell us about your live show What would be your dream gig

My live show is fun. I am very much myself on stage and thrive on including the audience. I think it’s important to keep it light in between very dark and heavy songs. My dream was to play in Dublin with Amigo the Devil and I’ll be damned, we just did it.

What can we expect from you in the near future

I’m going to keep releasing singles and touring and making albums until I die.

Tell us your favourite records that are rocking your headphones/tour bus/stereo

I have been super into John Moreland’s ‘Visitor’ this month!

Check out the single Deep End, below:

Find out more via Bergman’s Website or Facebook

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  1. […] Check out our interview with Bergman here […]

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