Recently I got dumped. I’d not been seeing him very long so I certainly wasn’t heartbroken but nobody likes being rejected so I allowed myself a 48 hour wallowing period. This involved some tears, a couple of ill-advised abusive text messages, nurofen and a lot of wine. It also involved much skipping on my MP3 player to ensure every song I listened to was suitably sad and emotionally charged. Standard ‘I just got dumped’ behaviour.
It got me thinking that everyone must have their own personal heartbreak mix-tape. Well I suppose apart from people who’ve never been dumped. I think mine would be a triple CD box set. But here are a few key highlights:
When I was 10 and Jimmy Conway stopped walking me home from school I listened to Jason Donovan’s ‘sealed with a kiss’ repeatedly on my cassette walkman. Radiohead’s ‘Karma Police’ played a big part in my mourning over splitting with my University boyfriend at 19. When I split up with my first proper love at 21 and thought I’d NEVER get over it I remember driving along the A5 in my C-reg Ford Fiesta with tears pouring down my face as Semisonic’s ‘Secret Smile’ came on the radio. By the time I was 26 and had been dumped by my long-term live-in boyfriend I’d rediscovered The Smiths. I don’t think there’s a sadder song in the universe than ‘Last night I dreamt somebody loved me’. Classic heartbreak tune.
The latest dumping was in no way deserving of anything so maudlin as Morrissey but I discovered a very very lovely alternative – ‘Carla’ by one of my absolute favourite new bands Life in Film. In all honesty, it isn’t even that sad. But it is beautiful and captured just the right level of melancholy for the situation at hand.
Life in Film are a four-piece from London made up of Samuel Fry on vocals, Edward Ibbotson on guitar, Micky Osment on drums and Dominic Sennett on bass. They’re very much front-runners to take the UK by storm this year with the release of their first long-awaited album, which is being produced by Stephen Street no less. Their latest single Coldwire was released in December off the back of the spectacular Needles and Pins EP.
The EP’s title track ‘Needles and Pins’ only takes one listen before you can’t understand why it’s not being played everywhere, by everyone, all the time. ‘Lose Control’ showcases Samuel’s vocals perfectly and my personal favourite ‘Until it’s Over’ is an up-beat with a ridiculously catchy sing-along chorus that I can’t imagine I will ever, ever tire of listening to.
Life in Film have vociferous and loyal supporters who I imagine will soon be saying: ‘I remember when they were playing intimate venues instead of these massive shows’ and the band have gained some high-profile exposure through the Burberry live campaign and the This Feeling tour. They played their first gig of 2013 in London this week and it was as brilliant as we had all hoped. They’ve got some more tour dates lined up and everyone should go. I promise you’ll enjoy it.
The band have been described as the ‘new’ (…insert numerous band names here) by all and sundry but really they are just them. They combine top-notch song-writing, melodies, vocals, performance…I could go on indefinitely. I can honestly say that I LOVE every song they’ve released and when they retweeted me a couple of months ago I got TOTALLY starstruck. So imagine my giddiness when bassist Dominic gave me an interview!!!!
Here’s what he had to say:
Backseat Mafia: First things first, is it true that you have a fellow Leicester City fan in your midst? (If this is true it might be the most exciting thing that’s happened to me since I found out Muzzy Izzett lived in the next village to me when I was 17.)
Dominic: Very true, I’m a Leicester boy so you have to support your home town, we doing ok this season but obviously could be better! David Speedie used to live on my road when I was a kid. He was playing for Cov at the time so I didn’t think it so exciting but then he moved to Leicester a few years later so he has been forgiven.
BM: Down to business, how did Life in Film get started?
D: We began a few years ago. I met Samuel and Micky at university where we studied music together – we played a few shows together. Edward was Samuel’s friend from school. After graduating we all moved to London and formed the band, thus beginning our love affair. We have been inseparable ever since.
BM: You’ve regularly been described as the ‘new’ Smiths/Editors/Joy Division. How do you feel when people compare you to bands like that?
D: Any mention of The Smiths and we all go weak at the knees so that is always a joy to hear. But Editors/ Joy Division? I personally don’t get the link so put that down to lazy journalists being lazy.
BM: How would you describe your sound?
D: Mmm, totally delicious! Pop Music for Indie fans and Indie music for Pop fans.
(BM – that’s a pretty perfect description by the way)
BM: The stuff you’ve released so far has done really well. Where are you with the album?
D: Thank you, we have recorded the album and its ready. We will release one or maybe two more singles then bosh! album time. We cant wait to release it.
BM: What should we expect from the album?
D: Expect everything. It’s gonna be a big one.
BM: What’s your favourite track that you’ve released so far?
D: My personal favourite is ‘Lose Control’ on the Needles & Pins EP, I love listening to that one. It’s a pleasure to play live also.
BM: You toured in October and are playing Birthdays in London this week (gig was Tuesday 19th). Got any more dates lined up?
D: We are so excited about playing there (Birthdays). It’s been a while since we played in London so we are really exited, we will be debuting a few new songs too. We are going on a small tour in May around the UK, Birmingham 19th, Newcastle 20th, Glasgow 21st, Hull 22nd, Manchester 23rd, Leeds 24th. also playing in Liverpool for a festival. There are a lot more but they are under wraps for now….
BM: I’ve read you’re now working with Stephen Street, how did that come about?
D: Yes we recorded our album with Mr Street, he is a Legend and it was such a honour to work with him. We originally asked him if he would be interested in recording a single with us and after hearing a few demos he agreed. On the day we finished that song he turned to us and said ‘lets crack on with the album’ so we jumped at the chance.
BM: Zane Lowe played Coldwire on Radio 1. Did you all listen to it together? (That sounds like a weird question now I’ve written it down but I have visions of you all crowded round the wireless like it’s war-time….)
D: Haha, we all tuned it to listen yes, but separately, calling each other straight after squealing like excited children.
BM: What artists/albums are you listening to at the moment? Any hot tips?
D: At the moment I quite like a band called Unknown Mortal Orchestra, their album ‘II’ is good. Arctic Monkeys are brilliant and just keep getting better, I can’t wait for their new album to come out. I recommend listening to all their B-sides, brilliant. It’s so nice that there is still a band out there that cares about the b-side, Oasis did that so well back in the day. This is something that we also take pride in doing, I think its so important to hand out quality and the B should definitely be just as strong as the A – keep the crap for the bin.
If you get a chance, go see a band called The Dexters from East London, they are great live. There is also a band called The Book Club from Sheffield, we toured with them last year, and they are a must see! Brilliant songs and are great live.
There hasn’t really been anything released in the UK that has impressed me this year yet, most of the new bands are shit hypers with not a lot to say for themselves.
BM: 2013 is being touted as your year – what’s the plan?
D: Touring, travelling, releasing, recording and having loads of fun along the way.
Above is the latest tour dates, for May this year. Looks like I may have to wait for a London date for a little while…..
I have listened to a lot of music for this site and there is no band more deserving of making it massive this year than Life in Film. Their plan is touring, travelling, releasing and recording – my plan is seeing, buying, listening and loving anything they release.
And I promise you don’t need to get dumped to enjoy it.
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