Meet: Infectious and Brilliant Ear Ringers

Alan Arvizu

East Los Angeles indie band Ear Ringers are not just cleverly named. The band’s brand of infectious indie is fun, danceable, and an absolute joy to listen to that ring in your ears for days. We caught up with the bands bassist Daniel Romo to find out a little more about these indie superstars.

Give us a potted history of the band

Our band officially started around 2017. We all went to the same performing arts school in East LA. Once we grew acquainted with each other and started jamming we decided that we would make a pretty solid band. We have basically been going non-stop since then with rehearsals every single Saturday. 2024 was actually a great year of growth for our band. We had a huge bump in listeners across streaming platforms. We started the year with about 5k Spotify monthly listeners and as of right now we are at 18k. We figured out a method this year that is finally helping us break into our goals. All of a sudden 30k doesn’t seem that far.

Who inspired you to make music

I would say that there was a mixture of established bands and local bands that really inspired us during our formation in 2017. For starters, Two Door Cinema Club was the first band that made us want to write this type of music. There also happened to be a massive local indie scene that was diverse in bands during this time. We grew acquainted with groups like The Marias, Surf Curse, and others while they were still rising to big fame. We all came from a hard rock/ metal world so this new sound we were discovering seemed fun to try out.

And the one or two records that inspired you artistically

Two Door Cinema Club’s Tourist History was huge for us especially in our early stages. We wanted to write songs like they did and have that same type of energy in our music. It’s fast paced, light, catchy, and quick to the point. We took all these traits from that record and made it our own.

If you are trying to explain to someone who has never heard of you what you sound like what would you say

Honestly it’s hard to say who we sound like. I know that’s an egotistical answer but I think we find that hard to answer because we see such a blend of our influences in our music. Maybe a band like Phoenix is who we are trying to sound like these days. Who knows, because we sure as hell don’t.

Tell us about your new single

Our newest single is actually a cover of (shocker) Two Door Cinema Club’s “What You Know”. This is our first cover and I think we were just trying to pay our tribute to our roots. This is a great song and we tried to put our Latin spin on it by singing the second verse in spanish. Hope everyone can appreciate our rendition.

Where can we get hold of it

It is available on all streaming platforms (Spotify, Apple Music, Youtube, etc…)

Tell us how you write

As of late we have been writing songs by jamming out ideas. This feels really fresh for us because we don’t know where we’re going out the gate. I think this gives everyone a unique opportunity to pitch ideas and have their say. Before we used to have a road map for each song with assigned parts. I think I enjoy the jam band style more, it feels organic and free.

Tell us about your live show, what would be your dream gig

I think the Kia Forum is our dream gig for sure. It has such a history here in LA. All of our favorite bands and artists have played there. We have also individually attended concerts there many times. The sound is great, the lights are fun, and the entire place feels old school and has a unique vibe that is irreplaceable.

What can we expect from you in the near future

We have a butt load of songs fully recorded and just waiting to be released. We are just trying to plan accordingly to make sure we get the intended growth out of each song. We will also be back in LA playing some venues very soon so stay tuned for announcements on our social media.

Tell us your favourite records that are rocking your own headphones/tour bus/stereo

Miguel is playing Love at First Sting by Scorpions. Jesus is playing Morning View by Incubus. David is playing White Pony by Deftones. Daftnet is playing…….something, anything, by LP. I myself (Daniel), am absolutely annoying everyone by playing Marvin Gaye’s What’s Going On for the hundredth time.

Find out more via the bands Facebook

Previous Track: Ear Ringers Cover Two Door Cinema Club 'What You Know'
Next News: The Last Dinner Party Announce The Release Of Prelude To Ecstasy: Acoustics and Covers - A Deluxe Edition Of Their Mercury Prize-Shortlisted Debut

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