Meet: Dutch Singer And Pianist Roon Staal

” The extraordinary talent of Roon Staal, one of the truly great singers in the Western world. (…) Let the amazing tenor vocal performances of Mr. Staal now carry you away! “

– Art Garfunkel

Give us a potted history of yourself

I spent a lot of time taking piano lessons and learned to perform in a local church in Holland, as a child soloist in the choir.  I was lucky enough to be featured performing on various European television shows and ended up playing Gavroche in a production of Les Miserables.  This led to other musicals and eventually, I landed the lead role in the rock opera Tommy which toured Europe.  Since 2008, I have consistently performed my own music throughout the year at shows in The Netherlands, various other countries in Europe, and periodically in Japan. But, I’m always ready for more! 

Who inspired you to start making music

I have always been singing, ever since I was young.  In Norway, I remember sitting in the back of the car as a toddler listening to Kim Larsen and many other artists that my family played while we traveled in the car.  Later in The Netherlands, Dire Straits were always a favourite.  I was also influenced greatly by Art Garfunkel (his wonderful voice) whom I’ve also had the good fortune to perform with and Gilbert O’Sullivan (for his amazing piano and compositional skills). 

And the one or maybe two records that inspired you artistically

Once Upon A Time soundtrack (Morricone) as one of my earliest musical impressions and Wednesday Morning 3 a.m. (Simon & Garfunkel) as a teenager. 

If you’re trying to explain who you sound like to someone who’s never heard you, what do you say

Easy-listening music.  Others say my voice stands out and is recognisable.  Regardless, I’m a singer. 

Tell us about your new release

My latest album is entitled “Dreamland” which contains both covers and originals.  It’s straight-forward piano and voice and the first album I’ve recorded in my own home studio that I built during the Covid lockdowns.  I started the studio using the Slate VRS8.

What do you do outside of music when you need a break

I take extended walks through Europe or, if time does not permit, I walk around my home in The Netherlands.  I also have my sweet one and a half year old daughter to play with now! 

Tell us how you write

To write, I sit behind the piano and start playing until melodies come to mind.  I add the lyrics later.  Sometimes the melody can pop up when I’m walking or driving and I record it quickly on my phone.

What would be your dream gig

 It is a goal of mine to tour the U.S.

What can we expect from you in the near future

I typically release one album per year.  My next will be my third Christmas album this December and it will be followed by a new studio album with many new original songs at some point in 2024.

Tell us your favourite records that are rocking your headphones/tour bus/stereo

My playlist is varied and contains many things by Simon & Garfunkel, Michael Jackson, Mel Tormé, Chopin, Michael Franks, and Gilbert O’Sullivan.

Have a listen to Staal’s new track Girl (You’re Not Just Beautiful), below:

Find out more via Staal’s Website or Facebook

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