Of Virtue just recently release their latest single ‘Holy’ taken from their upcoming full-length album “Omen”, which is due out on the 29th 0f Sepetmber.
Abigael Paquet got to have a chat with Damon Tate.
Abby: Would you be able to tell us a little bit about yourself for those who don’t know you ?
Damon: Hey everyone, I’m Damon and I play both guitar and sing in Of Virtue.
Abby: You recently released a new single named ‘Holy’ and the music video. What are the feedback or reactions you have gotten from your fans ?
Damon: For a lot of people we have heard that it’s their favorite song because it showcases the more emotional side of Tyler & I. Similar to ‘Sinner’ where the song is as aggressive the whole time, ‘Holy’ touches on relationships or friendships ending, and how it can be or is your fault. Hopefully this song can give others strength to take accountability and be vulnerable in the meantime.
Abby: When you began writing your album, what were your intentions or goals ? What inspired you to start this creative journey, and what message or emotions were you hoping to convey through your music ?
Damon: The first goal / intention was to not write the same album twice, but the second goal was to be as vulnerable and honest as we possibly could.
Abby: How would you convince people to listen to your music ?
Damon: We’re not here to convince you, but we’re going to provide an experience if you choose to join us for the ride.
Abby: As your album is about to be released (September 29th), can you share with us how you’re feeling right now ?
Damon: We are excited, nervous, anxious … but overall the vibe is great. It’s been a few long years and we hope everyone enjoys our blood, sweat and tears as much as we do.
Abby: What do you hope the audience will take away from this album once they’ve had a chance to listen to it ?
Damon: Firstly, that we put EVERYTHING into this album. Our entire heart, our time, working every day 15+ hours per day to fund this and make it exactly what we want from it. Second, that it’s ok to be vulnerable.
Abby: You said it took about 3 years to create your new album. What are the challenges and difficulties you have faced during the creative process ?
Damon: Family members passing, financial hardship, health problems, breakups, losing our previous record label, and of course, a worldwide pandemic … What could go wrong, did go wrong. But here we are, through the other side.

Abby: You are currently touring with Being As An Ocean and Senna. Could you tell us a little bit about it ? How is it going so far ? Is there a show you’re looking forward to in particular ? If so, why ? (Also, why is there no Ireland date ?! [Laughs])
Damon: About Ireland, we miss you all so much and will be back as soon as we can on our own headliner (unless someone brings us there first).
About the tour, it’s fantastic, the entire group of people is wonderful to be around – good vibes all around.
Abby: What can people expect from your shows ?
Damon: Have you ever crowd surfed ? Moshed ? Been in a circle pit ? Sang along to a song ? No ? Well you’re about to. But at the same time … we’re a safe space for you. So come to enjoy and be loved.
Abby: What was your worst moment on stage, ever ?
Damon: My guitar stopped working after the first song and we could not fix it, so we played a one song set [laughs]. Now we have multiple guitars.
Abby: Are there any questions you wish journalists would ask you but never or rarely do ?
Damon: Anything food related is good to talk about. And I love Mediterranean, Italian, Sushi … but when it’s in the van, it’s gas station cuisine all day.
Abby: What is the oldest memory you have ?
Damon: A birthday party when I was 3 years old, I remember walking onto the porch … that’s about it !
Abby: What is the most useless talent you have ?
Damon: I am a Dance Dance Revolution phenom.
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