Live Review: South Facing Festival – Love Motion Presents Grace Jones, Crystal Place Concert Bowl, London

Cath Dupuy

The word ‘iconic’ gets thrown about a great deal in music, but there’s really no other person more deserving of the accolade than Grace Jones. Not only for her music, but her visual artistry (not surprising considering her long-term connections with Andy Warhol, Jean-Paul Goude & Keith Haring). At the age of 76, she is quite frankly a phenomenon all on her own!

Appearing at an equally iconic venue, the Crystal Palace Concert Bowl, the home to many classic gigs of the ‘70’s and ‘80’s including Bob Marley’s last ever gig in the UK. Not looking quite like it used to, but still has the famous pond, where many fans ended up back in the day!

She materialises high above the band on a platform, as a black curtain falls away, in her golden skull mask and long black leather coat. And so, it begins! Powering through her incredible catalogue of songs; Nightclubbing, My Jamaican Guy, William’s Blood, Love Is the Drug, Pull Up to the Bumper, plus Amazing Grace (“Let’s go to church”!) Her brilliant tight band and backing singers keep it going at a pace.

During Demolition Man she attacks with venom some cymbals with drumsticks at front of stage, then kicks them over and throws the sticks into the crowd! Then there’s the famous mirrored bowler hat, that reflects green lasers all over the stage to the Roxy Music cover ‘Love is the Drug’. In between songs she struts off for a “glass of wine” and comes back in a different outfit.

Suddenly, the whole place is full of bubbles, and Grace is seen bobbing along in the pit on the shoulders of a brave (or lucky) security guard as she shakes hands with fans and sings ‘Pull Up to the Bumper’. It was a truly incredible spectacle!

Finally, she’s up on her podium with THE hoola hoop. We know what’s coming…. She keeps it going under a single spotlight for the whole rendition of ‘Slave To The Rhythm’ without faltering, the end to a magnificent evening.

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