Live Gallery: Svalbard and Support Rock the Crow Bar 24.05.2024


I’m here at the Crow Bar, about to witness the powerful performance of Bristol’s very own four-piece, Svalbard. With four albums under their belt, they’re touring in support of their 2023 release, ‘The Weight of The Mask.’ This record is uncompromising and highly charged, delving into themes intrinsic to humanity—emotional strength, depression, unrequited love, and vulnerability—all while blending black metal, post-rock, and d-beat hardcore.

Supporting Svalbard tonight are Wicked Sisters, Soma Plume and RUN.

First up are Wicked Sisters with a thunderous set.

Soma Plume erupt with primal urgency.

RUN’s musical onslaught literally makes the floor shake under your feet.

Finally Svalbard take the stage to the crowd’s delight and they do not disappoint.

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