EP: The Stools – Carport

Take a deep breath. Detroit rock ‘n’ rollers The Stools have put out a new EP, Carpool. And it’s gonna frighten, bully and finally batter you into submission. With four songs, all coming in under the two minute barrier, it’s like an assault driven by gravelly guitars, frenetic drumming, and shouted vocals that leave you, before you know it, lying on the floor. But strangely wanting more.

Best of all is End Up There – garage rock at its most savage, the vocals wobbling and blasting through some kind of horror-punk gaze, with these pulsating riffs and scratchy guitar solo not failing to completely disguise the singalong chorus contained within.

‘Life’s Hard Lover‘ and ‘Hedge Witch’ both back you against the wall way out, but it isn’t the battering guitars and screamed vocals that keep you there, its the fact that underneath it all, there’s melodies, riffs and chorus’s that bleed through the anger and brilliant cacophony of noise the boys create.

Shortest of them all is Multiple Maniacs, clocking in at a mere 1:07 – its like a song thats been herded and forced into a tiny space, and so the energy and aggressions can barely be contained.

And neither can we. Check it out, here

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