EP Review: Hobart’s Black Sea Carnys emit a dark magnificence as they unveil radiant gem in debut EP, Nistar

The Breakdown

Nistar is an outstanding debut release which any serious lover of great, independent music should give serious consideration to listening to, or preferably buying.
Independent Release 9.6

The Black Sea Carnys are Harry Wass (guitar), Tim Davies (vocals), Alex Thomsen (bass) and Ivan Johnston (drums). Together, they are a glorious mix of post-punk, darkwave and industrial rock influences, with roots that lead to such musical luminaries as Killing Joke, The Cure, The Mission, The Tea Party and even The Doors.

Harry Wass’s majestic use of effects on his guitar paints many shades of light and dark which provide colour and texture to Alex Thomsen’s darkly malevolent basslines and Ivan Johnstone’s metronomic drumming, with Tim Davies vocals adding what can only be described as another mood-inducing instrument that dances ethereally above the music that the rest of the band produce.

Having previously reviewed the live performance of Black Sea Carnys here, it was with bated breath that I awaited the release of the first recorded material from this band.

An early recording, Behead The Duplicates, appeared in August of 2023 and showcased the band’s penchant for grand soundscapes, clocking in at an impressive 10 minutes and 56 seconds. Whilst Behead The Duplicates showcases the classic modus operandi of Black Sea Carnys – that of the cinematic and monumentally epic – Nistar takes the bands sound into somewhat punchier sonic territory.

Aware of the need to tease, caress and surround their audiences attention, the band have gathered together four harder-edged tracks which all come in at a ‘mere’ four to five minutes each, and which will go a long way to comfortably complimenting the longer compositions the band are known for in their live shows.

The EP itself begins with the brooding, first-single release, Darkest Night. A slack-string bassline and motorik drumbeat pound out the opening before a synth-laden guitar works in conjunction with the song’s vocal to propel the snakelike rhythm which is this tracks hallmark.

Autumn follows, and is a darkly psychedelic, vacillating track full of intrigue and headiness, whilst Ghost Machines takes the band back into the more familiar aural expansiveness they are adept at, albeit in a shorter form. Icarus then closes out the EP with a hauntingly repetitive vocal underscored by a cavernous, and driven guitar/bass attack that perfectly sums up the new strings that the band have added to their already impressive bow.

Nistar is an outstanding debut release which any serious lover of great, independent music should give serious consideration to listening to, or preferably buying.

Nistar is available for purchase on the band’s Bandcamp page, or by clicking this link.

Nistar was recorded and mixed by Michael Shelly at Greenroom Studio, Hobart, and mastered by Myles Mumford at Rolling Stock, Collingwood

The EP artwork (featured image) was created by band vocalist, Tim Davies.

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