What up, people. For today’s edition of Behind The Boards, we have royalty in the house. All hail Sir Froderick, from the House of FIVESPACE, http://facespaceshop.com. Sir Froderick, a knight of the Turn-Table and Cassette Deck, is also a sound alchemist, who drops aural specimens into his creative cauldron, agitates the boiling stew and mutters incantations. Then, presto! What emerges is sound wizardry of the highest order. Apparently, based on information from top secret sources, no eye of newt was used, but please, don’t quote me!
Sir Froderick creates magical sound collages that are unique to him, and must be heard to be believed, beautiful and wondrous symphonies that are meticulously constructed from what appears to be a multitude of sources and samples. Sir Froderick has also been known to use the creative moniker Didaflo, but like that artist himself, Sir Froderick prefers that his creative identities remain mysterious. He has appeared along side other sound sorcerers, such as Swarvy, Mndsgn, and Stainless Steele. In addition, Sir Froderick inks all the comic art collages that grace some of his album covers, his web site and some pretty dope coffee mugs. [This interview has been lightly edited.]
Backseat Mafia: What inspired you to create music?
Sir Froderick: My father and brother were both DJs and my godfather was an avid vinyl music collector. I always had vinyl records surrounding me all my life and I was always captivated by the album art, then reading the liner notes, and listening to the different sounds each record played. I would never guess that this would lead me to create my own aural visuals .
BSM: What inspires you to create every day?
SF: Life imitates art.
BSM: Where is your favorite or usual place to work and create?
SF: At home, or at http://fivespaceshop.com It is FIVESPACE, “all capitals, no trick spellin’ /Got what it take to get it through your thick melon.” [Editor’s note: a reference to the song “Monkey Suite” from Madvillainy, by MF DOOM and Madlib.] I’m surrounded by mostly black music on cassettes and vinyl…if the inspiration hits I have dream artists to work within my grasp.
BSM: Are you a crate digger?
SF: Habitually.
BSM: Where is you favorite place to dig and what was your greatest find?
SF: When I travel, various thrift shops and swap meets. I remember I was at a random swap meet and found an original, mono copy of Vince Guaraldi Trio’s Jazz Impressions of “A Boy Named Charlie Brown” for like a dollar! Crazy!
BSM: What tools/hardware do you use when you are creating music or producing a track for someone else?
SF: A pair of pliers, a blow torch and sand paper, 100 grit…I get medieval.
BSM: What is your favorite piece of audio gear/instrument and why?
SF: My duel deck cassette player…there is just something about playing cassette tapes. [Otherwise] I can’t reveal the Wu Tang! But I can say that I’m a fan of Akai products.
BSM: What is the one-non-musical item that you must have with you when you are working?
SF: Seltzer water.
BSM: What track or album are you most proud of? Why?
SF: I’m proud of all of it…yeah, I’m proud of all of my pieces.
BSM: Dream artist or artists to work with?
SF: Every time I’m creating art, I’m working with my dream artists right then and there…sampling them. I’m not a fan of revealing my sources. I feel that I’m working with that specific artist or artists. When I create sounds, I’m doing research, exploring, experimenting, and studying, only to create a specimen.
BSM: Favorite artists or artists that you admire, or that influenced you the most?
SF: Juice Crew, Gang Starr Foundation, Native Tongues, Beastie Boys, DJ Shadow, Hieroglyphics, BDP [Boogie Down Productions], DITC [Diggin’ In The Crates Crew], Rhyme Syndicate, Grandmaster Flash, FX Crew, MSK, Philly Tall Hands & Wickets
BSM: Upcoming project(s)? Give us a scoop!
SF: Maaaaaaan….Be on the lookout for Luxe.Wav on Rarebreedrecords.com this June 2020! I can’t recall how I discovered his sound but it was good enough to make me reach out to hear more and receive a project from him.
Connect with Sir Froderick :
Bandcamp: https://sirfroderick.bandcamp.com
http://fivespaceshop.com – FIVESPACE Shop, which Sir Froderick describes as “a black owned record shop in North Park, San Diego with a deeeep Hip Hop selection. In the store you’ll find a variety of vinyl, cassettes, and select vintage clothing.”
On Discogs: https://www.discogs.com/seller/FIVESPACE/profile

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