Countdown To Rebellion – Day 49: Introducing The Battery Farm

The Battery Farm

Next up in our series of bands to check out at Rebellion this year, The Battery Farm.

The great thing about the “punk family” is that there are so many different strains, like an out-of-control virus, continually mutating. Remind you of anything?

Whether it’s “77” punk, oi, hardcore, straight edge, skate punk or street punk, there’s always room for another newcomer to the fold.

Describing themselves as “gutter punk”, Manchester’s The Battery Farm are an object lesson in the value of perseverance and never lowering your standards. The Corry  brothers, Ben and Dom, picked themselves up from the wreckage of their previous musical endeavours, enlisted the talents of Paul Worral (Bass) and Sam Parkinson (bass), to become one of the most talked about bands on the North West scene. Working hard when lockdown came, instead of sitting around doing nothing, their ugly caterpillar emerged from it’s chrysalis, fully formed and raring to go. With a slew of self-released singles such as Poet Boy, Crude Oil Water and Maggot Line, their visceral, punishing rock music infused with pain and passion, became a guttural cry against a violent world, whose songs are borne of that violence. Part nihilism, part hope. Part rage, part joy. Trying to make sense of themselves in a time that does not make sense at all. Life’s a battery farm.

Their incendiary live shows usually find Ben drenched in sweat, as the demons possess him, whilst Dom, the coolest guitarist ever to wear a cardigan, shreds strings and skin in equal measures, a truly innovative musician. In 2022 they signed to Rare Vitamin Records and released their debut LP, Flies, a semi-concept album themed around decay, to critical acclaim. Audiences all over the UK are embracing the boys as they spread their wings further afield, with shows in Scotland, Liverpool, Hull, Sheffield and that there London place!

If you like your punk served raw, powerful, thoughtful and disturbing then, The Battery Farm should be on your list of bands to check out at Rebellion. They play the Rebellion Introducing Stage in the Arena on Saturday 19:15 – 19:45.

Check out the their Bandcamp page here

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