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Track / Video

Track: Barbara Unveil Vibrant New Single ‘Property-Owning Democracy’

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Track: Worldcub Share Title Track From Upcoming Album ‘Back To The Beginning’

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Track: Dutch Neo-Soul Riser ROSEYE Shine On New Single ‘Sacred’

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My father used to drag us around the countryside. He was (and still is) the kind of father that knows the names of all the plants, all the ferns, all the birds. He found us dock leaves when we stung ourselves (why dock leaves? Couldn’t it be a more readily available in hedgerows placebo, you …

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I sat out on my decking tonight. Me and the decking fell out disastrously  last year when slippy steps caused me to nearly rip the rebuilt cruciate ligament out within a couple of weeks of it. Surprised as I was, I reached out with my hand, and promptly fell on it, ripping out various things …

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Oh, how I remember those days of Acid House with affection. (Yes, I remember – that surely tells you something, I was far too straight-laced for any of that sort of thing) I was still dressing as though I were in the Smiths, despite my hair not doing a Morrissey quiff, however much I teased …

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Cover versions have always been the staple in Jazz. It’s always been a case of let’s take a song, and make it REALLY swing now. Ten piece stellar Jazz/Brass//Hip-Hop ensemble the Youngblood Brass Band are old hands at taking tunes, whether that be their own or someone else’s and making it really swing. For the …

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Why is it children’s body clock isn’t in synch with their parents. They do take significant bits of our DNA, right? So just when I really want to lie in, my four-year old son wants to watch Spiderman, asks me if ghosts are real, sings one…two…three, four, five – once I caught a fish alive, …

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Did you hear the one about the writer, the rapper and the producer? Sounds like the start of a old joke, the sort of thing that Ronnie Corbett would do between the good bits on the Two Ronnie’s (well, maybe not the rapper bit), to waste a bit of time, on a set that looked …

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I don’t watch Eastenders anymore. There aren’t enough mike Reid dressed in only his bow tie to woo Pat (perish the thought), and too many Den and Angie divorced at Christmas type bits. In short, all the funs gone out of it – and let’s be honest, there wasn’t a great deal in it in …

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Those cheeky scamps the Rizzle Kicks have released details of their new single, fresh from their appearance at the Glastonbury festival, where they played the BBC introducing stage. ‘Lost Generation’ will come out on August 26th, ahead of the release of their new album ‘Roaring 20’s’ which is out on Island records on September 2nd. …

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Apparently, according to Mancunian Francesca and Northern-Irish Londoner Ian a.k.a. I am a Camera, to steal, appropriate, connect, evolve and become legendary is what it’s all about. ‘It’s your survival instinct’ they say, ‘It’s that state of mind that gets you out of bed, fuels your ambition, drive and individuality, it’s your lightning. Our new …

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One of the endearing memories I have of my Grandmother was that she liked Cowboys and Indians. It seemed sort of bizarre that this old lady, who had spent her life as a farmers wife before moving to an unremarkable estate just outside Leicester (obvious wild west joke avoided here) well into her 80’s would …

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