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Track / Video

Track: Barbara Unveil Vibrant New Single ‘Property-Owning Democracy’

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Track: Worldcub Share Title Track From Upcoming Album ‘Back To The Beginning’

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Track: Dutch Neo-Soul Riser ROSEYE Shine On New Single ‘Sacred’

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I like sleeping. That feeling when you wake up and you don’t really know what time it is, or it’s much brighter than you expect is a wondrous thing. And that feeling (or is this just me) when you squeeze your fists together in the morning and they feel really weak. Is that only me? …

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It’s that time of the year when everything needs getting done, in our house anyway. I’ve got things to pack for the impending holiday, children to look after, and a multitude of jobs to do. Apparently, there shelving that needs to do up in the spare bedroom, things that need putting out/getting down from the …

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I never quite got it right in the 1980’s, the bits I remember anyway. There was the case of the elasticated trousers, where my Mother, with money being very tight in our house, decided to make me my school trousers. She came out with these elasticated monstrosities, a sort of dark blue drainpipe affair, made essentially with a …

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Me and royalties are not very close partners. In my pop career, as bassist to (the name doesn’t matter) a band that peaked by scraping into the indie top twenty towards the end of the 1980’s/early 1990’s, but still making rare appearances and even the odd recording, royalties don’t come easy to us. As I …

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Mad Max and Back to the Future. I reckon they were the best trilogies I can think of without resorting to Wikipedia. I suppose it shows my age that the dystopian tale of, well, actually I can’t remember with Mel Gibson strutting his stuff, and Steven Speilberg‘s epic tale of teenagers, love life and cars …

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I almost totally impractical. I can’t change a plug, although I vaguely remember being show how to in my science lessons at school. I can’t put shelves up, and as far as I can try to use power tools (without causing myself significant injury) I seem to have they have this mind of their own …

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Damn those free offers. There’s always, always a catch. It’s those term and conditions that always do it. You know the bit that says, to the effect of – when it says free, what it means is free when you’ve spent about half your monthly wages on our other (slightly less well selling) stuff. Or …

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How I loved playing football. I was reasonable, but had been injured for a long time on this particular occasion. I had moved down about eight leagues in standard to try and get back fit, on a Sunday morning league full of thugs, kickers and downright terrible players. On the plus side, I got a …

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Last night, despite the heatwave engulfing London, I positioned myself in the hottest room in my house, closed all the windows and doors to shut out extraneous noise, and talked to Cult of Luna singer and guitarist Johannes Persson. The Swedish metal band released their sixth album in January and have been on and off …

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My father used to drag us around the countryside. He was (and still is) the kind of father that knows the names of all the plants, all the ferns, all the birds. He found us dock leaves when we stung ourselves (why dock leaves? Couldn’t it be a more readily available in hedgerows placebo, you …

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