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Track / Video

Track: Barbara Unveil Vibrant New Single ‘Property-Owning Democracy’

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Track: Worldcub Share Title Track From Upcoming Album ‘Back To The Beginning’

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Track: Dutch Neo-Soul Riser ROSEYE Shine On New Single ‘Sacred’

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I once was sat at the side of the Royal Albert Hall, waiting to play a concert there (I know, and I apologise for the name dropping, but it’s part of the story) as two conductors were arguing over the seating plan. If I remember rightly it was for a concert in the Proms series …

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Who’s got the key to your heart? So say’s Danish singer Fallulah (a.k.a. Maria Apetri) quite insistently in her new song, Dragons. W’ve met her before (not actually you understand, but in terms of her music) Name-checked by just about everyone as one of the ones to watch, we first caught up with her when …

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I been to Nottingham a lot. I even used to work there actually, in a lace factory. Lace is one of the things that the city is well-known for, along with having a couple of football teams, the River Trent, and Robin Hood. Or at least Sherwood Forest anyway.Boots the chemist was formed there, by …

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I’d be careful if I were you. Laura Welsh is back amongst us. She’s releasing her new single ‘Undiscovered’ on the Outsiders/Polydor label on October 28th . It’s thought that she was holed up across in America for the recording, produced by Lana Del Rey and Kanye West associate Emile Haynie, and it will feature …

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Australian duo High Highs a.k.a. Jack Milas and Oli Chang have been bringing delicious electro to parties basically everywhere. They’ve toured with Vampire Weekend, Empire of the Sun and How to dress well. In addition they’ve self released their debut album ‘Open Season’ earlier in the year, and they have an ep of remixes coming …

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It’s one of those quintessentially English places, Oxford. The writer William Butler Yeats, in a letter to fellow poet, and possible unrequited love interest Katharine Tynan, said “I wonder anybody does anything at Oxford but dream and remember, the place is so beautiful. One almost expects the people to sing instead of speaking. It is …

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So today was September. and here in Sheffield, it was like they switched off the Summer and switched on the Autumn. As i ventured out this morning, I had to wander straight back inside to get a jumper, and, however much I tried to stay out in the garden this afternoon, the wind blowing in …

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Part of growing up is the inevitable invites to dinner parties. I try, as much as I can to avoid them. The strained conversation, usually about a mutually convenient, middle of the road topic, such as the weather, the fact footballers get paid too much, the school your children go to…. Although sometimes you’re lucky, …

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When I came to Sheffield, I got told that people had said it was the largest village in the country. This (for those that don’t know) is one of the biggest cities in the country. Rubbish I thought on arriving here, but since then I have found it to be one of my favourite cities …

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Sometimes, as much as I love music, the way things look is the thing that makes them beautiful. When I was at University I had a poster of (this might seem a little sad) Edvard Munch‘s The Scream. To me it was scary and comical and cool and meaningful and, well, just brilliant. He himself …

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