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Playlists: Our Picks

And so the champion made his exit, and the man born Cassius Clay, the ‘Louisville lip’, the three time Heavyweight champion of the world left us, surrounded by his family at the age of 74. Ever since winning Olympic gold medal at the 1960 games and turning professional he told us he was the greatest, …

The world is still in mourning after the loss of one of music’s greatest stars, Prince. At the time of writing this, still little is known as to the cause of his death. But to his fans it seems unimportant. He is gone, and regardless of why it happened, nothing will bring him back. Prince …

It was May, 1998. I was 34 and jobless, my girlfriend had left me, and my band of twelve years was imploding before my eyes. The dry-rot on the bedroom walls of my rented flat had reached a state where it was hazardous to sleep in there. Rock bottom had begun to sound like an …

It’s difficult to imagine now. Not since Punk exploded a decade before had there been such an outcry, such a controversy in popular music. Like Punk, it was vilified in the press, accused of dragging ordinary teens into drug culture, and the inevitable casualties of the scene were accentuated for shock effect on front pages …