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EP Review: 9T7 – On Intuition

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In some ways, it was almost seems inevitable. On one hand, one of the best and most successful singers, not only in his illustrious record company, Motowns history, but also in the whole of popular music history. He had been having hits since the 1960’s, his breakthrough chart hit being I heard it through the …

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I seem to have been to Australia on a few occasions. Its lovely, and my favourite place has always been Sydney. The capital city always seems to have more things going on, feels more bohemian, seems so much prettier. I walked up to the top of the Sydney Harbour Bridge one (a difficult task since …

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I’ll be flying to the channel Islands this summer. More specifically Alderney, I tend to go there every summer. Let me tell you its a beautiful Island, quaint but with a lot going on, beautiful and remote. But I hate flying, with a passion. The first time I went, in order to avoid these little …

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I had a hard day, and a cold day, and consequently I was grumpy. Number one, there was over a foot of Snow outside our house and temperatures were below freezing most, if not all, of the day. It was the sort of day when I drove to work and had the heaters blasting out …

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My mate once won tickets to a band on Manchester’s GLR. That band was Suicidal Tendancies, they of legendary hardcore metal infamy (they were promoting the track ‘Feel like shit, de ja vu, at the time) I sort of knew this, but when I raised this with said mate, he said they were like the …

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I think its fair to say that if this new video from Joel Compass is even remotely true to life, me and him live very different lives. Quite often, me and my younger brother used to have to go to work with my Dad on a Saturday morning. He worked in a large garage in …

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Imagine this. Born in dour post war Sheffield, you join one of pop histories most experimental bands while still in your early 20s. After almost ten years of making records that are one hand appealing and the other wildly experimental, you leave not only the band but the country, and go on to be highly …

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When you look at a map of Britain, the thing that stands out about North Devon, is how far away it is, from just about everywhere. It’s on the edge of Exmoor I grant you, and impossibly beautiful, but there’s not really anything that stands out, or jumps out and grabs you when you look …

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Recently I got dumped. I’d not been seeing him very long so I certainly wasn’t heartbroken but nobody likes being rejected so I allowed myself a 48 hour wallowing period. This involved some tears, a couple of ill-advised abusive text messages, nurofen and a lot of wine. It also involved much skipping on my MP3 …

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You know what they say about dogs being like their owners, well that was the same for music students where I went to University, and I suspect it was (and is) the same everywhere. There was us, the brass players. Loud, brash, heavy drinking animals who arrived in college purely to find people to go …

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