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EP Review: 9T7 – On Intuition

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When I first encountered Bang Bang Romeo, I had no expectations of them, as I was supposed to be reviewing another band. That night they absolutely blew me away and I’ve been relentlessly enthusiastic about them and their stunning We Were Born EP ever since. A few weeks later and I’m back in The Leadmill …

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  Let’s get this straight from the start, firstly – yes it is. Secondly – it is nothing like any version you’ve (probably) ever heard. The folk song, famously a hit for The Animals in 1964, but recorded before that by the likes of Josh White and Leadbelly, is given a complete reworking, moved into …

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Just when I thought I’d figured out ‘Ultra Cultura’, the new album by Select All Delete Save As, it continued to throw curveballs left, right and centre. Constantly exciting, always involving and brilliantly put together this is an album that makes each listen rewarding for multiple reasons. Achieving that is one thing but making this …

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Following a particularly demanding day at work, I wandered into Sheffield branch of HMV on Tuesday. As I walked through the doors, my eyes inevitably flicked to my right and across to the new release display. Ninety percent of the time I don’t even recognise the name of at least half of the acts on …

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‘Shall we take a trip down memory lane? … …Flashback to your days of youth. You’ve been there once, you’re living proof.’ Northside – ‘Shall we Take A Trip’ Looking around the Brudenell on Thursday night certainly was a trip down memory lane. So much terrace and baggy era retro gear on display you could …

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Just imagine what rock music over the last 25 years would have been without the influence of Pixies. Few bands have had the all-infusing influence that Pixies have demonstrated and fewer can claim to have had a direct impact on two of the biggest rock acts of a generation. Indeed, both Nirvana and Radiohead are/were …

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  As I mentioned in my last post about Gary Numan, I was a huge fan of his back in the day and remained so for many years. I still always look out for his releases and continue to follow his career with interest. Like all artists who have had long careers in the music …

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Is been three years since The Antlers much admired long player Burst Apart showed that the band could produce some of the most sparkling and beautiful alt-indie music around. Originally a solo project for Peter Silberman in 2006, which spawned a couple of bedroom produced albums before enlisting Darby Cicci and Michael Lerner, and recording …

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With the release of their third album only a day before, Sheffield heroes The Crookes immediately set out on a mammoth 6 week tour intending to showcase Soapbox across the UK and Europe. For the UK length of the trip, The Crookes are joined by High Hazels, another young Sheffield band that show serious promise with …

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  Record Store Day (RSD) was a brilliant idea, get artists to release something special on vinyl on a particular day and only release the product to independent record stores, which have been on the decline for well over a decade now. Surely everyone wins? The record stores get exclusive gear to sell and more …

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