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EP Review: 9T7 – On Intuition

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Meet: Nate Bergman; A Bruce Springsteen For The Noughties

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Gallery: Lindsey Stirling at Dr. Phillips Center For The Performing Arts, Orlando,02.08.24

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Sheffield six-piece Screaming Maldini release album, an incredibly catchy prog-pop collection of songs, cue Jim F fauning almost uncontrollably I’ve been waiting for this. If there were ever a band bringing a dash of colour to the rather pastel shades that pop is painted in at the moment, its Screaming Maldini. The Sheffield six piece’s …

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Always searching for the new and the exciting, Jim F interviews exciting Californian Melodic Hardcore band Capsize about, well, being new and exciting.. I’ve always liked new music. John Peel said something to the effect of always trying to discover something he hadn’t heard before – Similarly Gilles Peterson, at the other end of the …

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The early 90’s were a personal feast of ‘Rock n Roll’ music in my life. Things were good… very good indeed. I still had hair. The children were the right age to palm off on the grandparents and the proliferation of quality guitar music was at its height. This was Brit Pop indie heaven and …

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When I was younger, in those halcyon days shortly after punk, there was a certain word that stuck fear into our very beings, that was only whispered  in hushed huddles around the back of the Science block. We feared that, at the very mention of it we would be ostracised by our peers and left …

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There’s so much music going on, pretty much everywhere, its often difficult to try and keep track of everything. And I like, and we cover, so many different sorts of stuff, its virtually impossible. On my desk there’s notebooks and bits of paper everywhere, with bands, music, DJ’s, labels, artists, exhibitions, records,  places and just …

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People thing doing nothing is easy. Let me tell you it isn’t. It takes practice, sometimes years to perfect maximizing the nothing, and minimizing the thing. I spent three years at university doing such a thing, until save from the cafe across the road (literally) and the pub round the corner, all I needed was …

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It must have been the Sea, Sun, Sangria and what have you, but I once went to Mallorca on holiday and bought a watch. I say it must have been the aforementioned because I knew it wasn’t a real Tag Hauer one, on account of it being sold to me by a tall, dark, but …

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Quite what the circumstances were I can’t remember, but when I was a student I read an interview with Barry Cryer, the comedian, raconteur (love that word) and general all around wit. The thing I picked up most from it was  that he earned a decent living writing gags for comedians and radio programmes. Being …

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  Most people remember the time they heard ‘the’ album – the one that became their moment of musical epiphany. And most people also remember the first time they fell in love. Mine were one and the same. 1993, I was an awkward 13-year-old with a record collection that was pretty much made up entirely …

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A lot of sports teams celebrate their greatest ever player by retiring their number. Pittsburgh Steelers retired the number 70 shirt in honour of Ernie Stautner, the Green Bay Packers did the same for  Paul Hornung’s number 5  shirt,  Shaquille O’Neal‘s #34 shirt hasn’t been used again at the Lakers, and Paulo Maldini‘s number 3 shirt will retire with …

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