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Meet: Nate Bergman; A Bruce Springsteen For The Noughties

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Gallery: Lindsey Stirling at Dr. Phillips Center For The Performing Arts, Orlando,02.08.24

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Gallery: Chicano Batman/ Lido Pimienta at Union Transfer, Philadelphia, 13.05.2024

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If ‘Play Dumb’ was written to provoke a conversation, then it certainly succeeded in my eyes. The premier single on The Crookes third album, Soapbox, offers an interesting dichotomy of prettiness and intelligence, sincerity and lies, superficial attraction and dark secrets. The anguish in singer George Waite’s eyes seems all too real as he is …

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Velvet Acid Christ were born in the early 90’s, the evolution of  Cyber Christ. Blending goth elements with more club oriented electro-industrial sounds. Whilst other figures have played their part throughout the years the key figure throughout has been Bryan Erickson aka Disease Factory aka Hexfix93. Fresh off their first tour in over a decade …

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In ten years time and the children of the Brit-pop generation start taking an interest in their parents music collections, who do you think the really cool bands will be? It won’t be the big hitters whose songs will still be played on the radio, but those nearly men, those who despite having the talent, …

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King Krule videos have always nosedived into the surreal. ‘Rock Bottom’ s visual accompaniment transfigured the desolation-induced lyrics into a beautifully contorted mess of Lynchian, Kafkaesque and beat generation reference work, with sparse industrial landscapes, cockroach wallpapers, black lodge diners, cactus women and a pack of brutish ‘city boys’ summoning a real sense of dread, …

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For me, it started with an apple. For there, in my local record emporium (the glorious Left Legged Pineapple in Loughborough) as I thumbed through Cocteau Twins, King of the Slums, Fuzztones, A.C. Marias, Blur, Diesel Park West, Lush and Bridewell Taxis records, I kept coming back to this record, with nothing more than an …

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Grandaddy were one of those bands who struggled to catch a break. They had all the talent in the world, great tunes, a fine songwriter in Jason Lytle and had a lot more to offer than your average five piece rock band peddling their wares at the turn of the millennium. Sound-wise they were not …

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TOY have a lot of nerve. There’s not many bands that would gamble releasing their second album during the second week of December, a time of year the music industry primarily dedicates to releasing nigh profit margin compilations, or the dreaded Christmas Album. There’s also not many bands that would open that same album with …

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Seconds into “Be Gone”, the lead off track from Brad Laner’s newest solo album Nearest Suns you know this isn’t going to be your average listening experience. Part psych-pop, part Eastern-influenced, and all aural sunlit grandeur, Laner takes his Medicine magic and spreads it over 60s-influenced pop and makes a record that sounds quite magical. …

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With the amount of football shirts and track tops on display, you could have been forgiven for thinking you had just stumbled into the bar after a 5 aside competition. On closer inspection you soon realise everyone is wearing number 7. Some great players have pulled on the number 7 shirt for either club or …

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If I had any command whatsoever of the French language I would probably be able to write an article full of cleverly gauge, quoting French phrases and words to confirm my admiration for French chan…..chant, singer Cleo T. Sadly apart from ordering beer and (randomly) being able to ask the whereabouts if the tourist information …

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