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Meet: Nate Bergman; A Bruce Springsteen For The Noughties

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Gallery: Lindsey Stirling at Dr. Phillips Center For The Performing Arts, Orlando,02.08.24

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Gallery: Chicano Batman/ Lido Pimienta at Union Transfer, Philadelphia, 13.05.2024

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Station to Station is an odd album for me, in that I feel I would probably have a higher opinion of it than I do were it not for the album that immediately preceded it. It’s not that I prefer Young Americans, far from it, but I feel that if Bowie had been able to …

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Ever since I had first clapped ears on The Gluts‘ debut LP ‘Warsaw’, I had been longing for the opportunity to see them play live. There was the small matter of their being based in Milan, which is only 1475km from Belfast as the crow flies… No matter, when the opportunity for The Gluts to open for White …

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Out right now on Boy Better Know is the new single from London grime producer and MC Skepta. It’s proved to be a fruitful time with March seeing Skepta join Kanye West onstage at both the Brit Awards (for a performance of ‘All Day’) and a night at London’s Koko. He’s also returning the favour …

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He’s the Bard of Salford, the original Punk Poet, the Doctor. Evidently, we must be talking about John Cooper Clarke. Revered by many for his acerbic wit and slightly off kilter, but oh so accurate, take on life, hehas been an inspiration to many. His book, ‘Ten Years In An Open Neck Shirt’, is a …

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Friday night in Sheffield saw one of the most explosive, and certainly most popular, gigs The Harley has ever seen. First up were Pins, a female four-piece to be reckoned with. Faith Holgate’s haunting, eerie voice is akin to Siouxsie Sioux, and the Manchester group stirred up the crowd for the two homegrown groups to come. …

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Blur The Magic Whip

It’s been a long time coming and a lot of water has passed under a lot of bridges in the 16 years since Blur released their last studio album as a four piece but “The Magic Whip” has put Blur firmly back in the spotlight. It’s their 8th studio album in their 25 years or …

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The Prodigy's sixth studio album

Not many acts are in their 25th year of action and still misbehaving in quite the way the Prodigy appear to be based on listening to their 6th studio album which winged its way to #1 in the UK charts on release, being their 6th #1 album including their 2005 Greatest Hits. Liam, Keith and …

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At a time when every man and his bong can be said to be exploring the final frontier with cathedral reverb plastered all over their stoned guitar noodling, it is becoming increasingly difficult to stand apart from the rabble. Ancient River try their best at saying something new by, perversely, not saying very much at …

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There is something of the night about Kobadelta, in the way that there is something of the night about The Amazing Snakeheads. The band’s songs are reminiscent of drunken late nights in back alleys where under the haze of darkness and incoherence, they stumble across liminal realities which the band crystallise through their music. I …

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