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Meet: Nate Bergman; A Bruce Springsteen For The Noughties

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Interview: John Robb Chats About His New Book Covering The Entire History Of Goth

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News: Charged GBH – Grievous Battery Harm – Lords Of The Flies

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I went on a scout camp once, and we had this (how could he be anything other?) slightly crazy scout leader, that wore shorts all the time, and usually a hat, not a scout beret, but instead a sort of Mick ‘Crocodile’ Dundee sort of affair. I prided myself on being one of the least …

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My mate once won tickets to a band on Manchester’s GLR. That band was Suicidal Tendancies, they of legendary hardcore metal infamy (they were promoting the track ‘Feel like shit, de ja vu, at the time) I sort of knew this, but when I raised this with said mate, he said they were like the …

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Imagine this. Born in dour post war Sheffield, you join one of pop histories most experimental bands while still in your early 20s. After almost ten years of making records that are one hand appealing and the other wildly experimental, you leave not only the band but the country, and go on to be highly …

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Recently I got dumped. I’d not been seeing him very long so I certainly wasn’t heartbroken but nobody likes being rejected so I allowed myself a 48 hour wallowing period. This involved some tears, a couple of ill-advised abusive text messages, nurofen and a lot of wine. It also involved much skipping on my MP3 …

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It’s not often I taken notice of a drummer. In general, drummers hang about with drummers, talking about cymbals and other stuff mere musicians don’t understand (probably like unintentionally slowing down, and wrist injuries. and that) but this particular drummer, let’s call him Carl, for the purposes this article, and the fact that that’s his …

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When I was younger I moved from a small village in Yorkshire, to London. The big metropolis that London is both scared and excited me. There were certain things I didn’t understand when I arrived there. Principally that car horns are used much more frequently than in rural life, where its only used in moments …

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We’ve already talked about the Screaming Maldini album, here. If you don’t want to read it (go on, it’s really good) then the important facts are these – 1. It is this sort of ‘prog-pop’ that although is essentially brilliant pop, is skewed with weird time-signatures,  adventurous instrumentation and soaked in, well ambition 2. Despite …

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Both me and my brother went through a period of waiting furtively for the postman to deliver these plain brown packages, which we ripped open and almost tore the plastic covering off to get to the good stuff inside. And no, it wasn’t what you’re thinking. These were singles from a small Bristol based record company, …

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Trouble is, wherever you look, there is music. Thousands of bands springing up, splitting, making records, touring, remixing, showcasing, re-releasing. Everywhere – all over the world. I was looking through some of the things going on at South by Southwest (SXSW for us trendies in the know) where just about every band on the planet …

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Always searching for the new and the exciting, Jim F interviews exciting Californian Melodic Hardcore band Capsize about, well, being new and exciting.. I’ve always liked new music. John Peel said something to the effect of always trying to discover something he hadn’t heard before – Similarly Gilles Peterson, at the other end of the …

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