FIlm Review
Fantasia Festival 2019 Review: The Deeper You Dig
Guilt can do funny things to a person. It can drive them to the edge of insanity and fundamentally change the way they live their life. These pangs of conscience can eat away at your soul until it starts severely impacting on your mental health. It’s not uncommon to experience visions, as a bruised imagination …
Fantasia Festival 2019 Review: The Art of Self-Defence
It is estimated that there are almost 400 million privately owned guns in the United States of America. That’s the equivalent of more than one weapon for every American. Whilst a small percentage owns a disproportionate amount, most are bought as a means of self-defence; wrongheaded as that may be. Others choose to take up …
Fantasia Festival 2019 Review: Sadako
In 1998 Hideo Nakata released Ringu in Japan. It would go on to change the face of genre cinema forever. Introducing the Western world to Asian horror and paving the way for cult favourites like The Grudge, A Tale of Two Sisters, Pulse, Dark Water and Audition. Whilst the golden age may be behind us, …
DVD Review: Ashes in the Snow
The Holocaust was undoubtedly the lowest point in human history, but it’s worth remembering that the Nazis weren’t the only players in World War II who committed horrendous atrocities. There’s nothing that Joseph Stalin liked more than a good old purge. After the Soviets occupied and annexed the Baltic states, they instigated mass deportations of …
Film Review – Kursk: The Last Mission
Whilst a whole new generation is learning about a nuclear disaster which occurred in the Ukraine in 1986, it’s not the only ‘mishap’ which has been swept under the carpet over the years. Chernobyl highlighted just how far the Soviet regime would go in order to save face and cover-up systematic failures. The Kursk is …
Film Review: Never Look Away
Whilst the Academy Awards may claim to consider cinema from all around the world, in reality only English-language films usually get a look in outside of ‘best foreign language’ category. Back in 1983, Das Boot was nominated for six Oscars. Although perversely, not in the most obvious category. This year, Never Look Away became only …
Film Review: Party Hard, Die Young
If there was an element of horror cinema which is the equivalent of comfort food, then it would definitely be called ‘annoying attractive teenagers die horribly’. Whilst these slasher flicks are hardly the most progressive or innovative areas of genre film-making, they often provide the most pound for pound entertainment. The likes of Scream(s), I …
Film Review: She’s Missing
Almost since the inception of film, audiences have been ‘treated’ to a dizzying array of buddy movies. These bromances have taken many shapes and forms but there’s almost always been one common denominator. Men. Indeed, until recently, mainstream cinema generally overlooked female friendships. Thankfully, this anomaly is finally being rectified. The likes of Ladybird and …
Film Review – Penny Slinger: Out Of The Shadows
It’s an incredibly difficult feat as an artist to be both critically successful and commercially viable. Especially if you’re female. Fashions and trends come and go and to remain relevant you need the ability to constantly re-invent and evolve. Many have their time in the spotlight but are all too often soon forgotten. Occasionally, their …
Film Review: Robert the Bruce
When it comes to famous Scottish historical figures, there’s very few, if any, more famous than Robert the Bruce. He spent much of his adult life battling the English and serving under William Wallace, eventually succeeding the ‘braveheart’ as joint Guardian of Scotland. Bruce was crowned King of Scotland in 1306. However, after a number …