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FIlm Review

Film Review: Initiation

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Film Review: Zana

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Sara and Jean on the balcony

Claire Denis is undoubtedly one of the most distinctive French filmmakers working today and also, arguably, one of the best. She has made some of the most memorable films to come out of the country for decades now. The likes of Beau Travail, 35 Shots of Rum, White Material and Basterds are all top tier …

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girls and boys swimming in the sea

Italy, by dint of geography and migrational history, perches itself in a fairly unique position within continental Europe. The affluent and pale north takes most of its cues from its Western European neighbours. While the south has much more of a Mediterranean outlook, both as a society and a state of mind. It’s a country …

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The temptation of ‘man’ can be traced all the way back to the Garden of Eden. While Eve, and seemingly therefore all women, took the rap, it’s noticeable that Adam also decided to eat that apple using his own free will. While the devil might rarely make an appearance as a serpent, the idea first …

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This year’s tragic decision to overturn Roe Vs. Wade has set women’s rights back in America by several decades. Opening the way for evangelical Christians to try and repeal other laws that give minority groups rights, taking the country back to the dark ages. In an attempt to ram their ‘holy’ book down the throats …

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The idea of a religious ‘conduit’ has persevered for thousands of years and can be traced back to the time of prophets. Whether this manifests itself in the figure of a ‘holy fool’ or ‘pure vessel’ depends very much of the time and place. While these ‘messengers’ may claim to be the mouthpieces of a …

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Iran, once a country known for progressive ideas and innovation, now has one of the most repressive regimes. The theocratic authoritarian state is run according to religious law. Many of their diktats look bizarre to those looking in from the outside, to say the least. The freedoms of Iranians are monitored closely by the government, …

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One of the many joys of science fiction, as a genre, is that it can be pretty much anything a human mind can imagine. This works particularly well in literature, where there are literally (and literarily) no limitations. It is, however, much more difficult to achieve on the screen, where budgets come into play. Where …

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Bella looking at the camera

Of all the sectors of the job market, the adult film industry isn’t known for its commitment to diversity and gender rights. Indeed, much of what makes it onto popular websites is dubious, to say the least. Porn valley no longer turns out bored housewives and randy plumbers. Consumers want their entertainment hard and nasty, …

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stars and director sitting under a boulder

According to some, there are two kinds of actors. There are the ones who dedicate their whole lives to studying the masters, tackling the most difficult works and only appear in worthy plays and productions. Then there are the pretty boys who become heartthrobs and leads, whose personas and image are often considered more important …

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Despite time being an artificial construct, in many ways, we base our entire existence around it. Organising our lives to adhere to strict schedules. As we approached the end of the twentieth century, fears mounted about the possibility of a ‘Millennium bug”. Obscure predictions from ancient religious texts preached doom and gloom. As the clock …

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