Album Reviews
Say Psych: Album Review, Soy Dios by Dead Sea Apes
“Ding! “The bell at the beginning of this album seems to tell us that we are entering some sort of sacred space, and certainly the processive drone of the first track, Pharmakon, sounds to me like it could be set in a Buddhist monastery. Although the title of the track would suggest otherwise, it is, …
Say Psych: Album Review, New Cruiser by Blown Out
I finally saw Blown Out live earlier this year. Fuck they were heavy. The bass was so deep that not only was it slamming tsunamis of air against my chest, but causing drinks on the shelf around the venue to throw themselves onto the ground in a lemming-like frenzy as if trying escape what must …
SayPsych: Album Review, The Urges – Time Will Pass
The Urges are five men from Dublin, their individual identities are not important, but what is is the sound that those five men create collectively. Having been a mainstay on the Irish scene for sometime, The Urges have absorbed and incorporated their influences and arrived at a sound that is distinctly their own. Debut album …
Album Review: GOAT – Requiem
Listening to GOAT’s new epic album Requiem one gets the feeling of coming across some strange, acid-drenched dance party in the Shire. Big-footed hobbits drinking goblets of homemade rastleberry wine as they succumb to the psilocybin-fueled hallucinations as the sounds of GOAT echo through Middle Earth. Requiem could also pass for the soundtrack to a …
Album Review: Yello – Toy
Electronic pioneers Yello release their thirteenth album ‘Toy‘ Recorded at Yello Studios (Zurich). Toy features guests Fifi Rong (vocals on Kiss the Cloud, Dark Side) Malia (vocals on Cold Flame, Starlight Scene, Give You The World) Heidi Happy (vocals on Dialectical Kid), Jeremy Baer (all guitars). Yello are a Swiss electronic band formed in 1979, who (minus a …
Album Review: Big Top Heartbreak – Deadbeat Ballads
Opening with a brief stacked choral and minimal piano number like “Dogs Can’t Play Cards” displays a certain amount of confidence. Do Big Top Heartbreak deserve this level of self-asurdness on a debut album? Is this even a debut album? To be honest I don’t know, because sometimes it’s just fun to plunge yourself into …
Album Review: Videodrones – Mondo Ferox
“It’s pretty late, yet I still have a couple videotapes left to watch. I burned through some Argento, Fulci, Carpenter; now its time to jump into a stack of Gorgon Videos that I found tucked away in the back room of Video World. Faces of Death, A Night To Dismember, and Evil Dead Trap seem …
Album Review: Touché Amoré – Stage Four
Touché Amoré have been one of the shining lights of modern hardcore ever since they announced themselves to the scene with 2011’s “Parting the Sea Between Brightness and Me”. This record showcased a perfect balance of unrelenting punk aggression and serene melancholic melody. The follow up “Is Survived By” possibly slowed the groups momentum, the …
Say Psych: Album Review, Magnetic North (Drone Rock Records)
Drone Rock Records is a Brighton-based label that has been steadily building up a reputation amongst Psych fans. A series of releases from the likes of Kill West, <><>)))), Space Spectrum and Psychic Lemon, all of them excellent, means that the label is now getting well-established bands knocking on the door asking about the possibility …