Music News: Grebo gurus Pop Will Eat Itself announce London & Manchester shows.

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Normally a 4 band line-up on a Sunday night would be greeted with some trepidation, with one eye on Monday morning and the call of a “proper job”. Less Than Jake are in town and have brought along a real mixed bag to support them, with Skinny Lister, Ska legends The Toasters and up and …

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Having already been to one amazing gig this week, I really wasn’t prepared to be blown away for a second time in three days. Whilst Killing Joke had already set the bar pretty high, at Albert Hall 2 days earlier, Warmduscher picked it up, span it around and covered it in honey, before licking the …

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Finally, 2 years late the SFL Wish We Had 20/20 Vison tour is finally on the road. There’s been a lot of chatter online about just how good the shows have been, and tonight the excitement is tangible. Almost like an away football match, where the visiting team come mob handed, adorned in replica kit …

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MILLIE MANDERS AND THE SHUTUP have announced that their new single, a newly recorded version of NOT OK from their acclaimed debut album Telling Truths, Breaking Ties, will be released on 8 April. The video premiere will be at 7.30pm on MONDAY 28 MARCH here: The full band will be present at the video premiere …

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What better way to start your weekend than a free gig featuring legendary Manchester band, Inca Babies playing their new album in the company of some fine supporting acts? Harry Stafford and the boys will be joined by 3 local bands, The Sewer Cats, Slab and Cassette Apes, as the wonderful Deco Records brings you …

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The Dualers are a 9-piece Jamaican Rhythm & Blues band from South-East London. They first hit the headlines when their single ‘Kiss on the Lips’ entered in to the UK charts at number 21 despite no industry or professional backing, the follow-up single ‘Truly Madly’ featured in full on the Hollywood blockbuster Fools Gold. Their success continued …

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I love Jake Bugg. There, I’ve said it, put it down in black and white for all to see. He was the first artist, that my then 5 year old son, showed an interest in and requested I bought him a CD. I liked the fact that it was Jake’s lyrics that drew him in …

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Pic: Reed Davis

31 years after their last album, and 2 years since its release, The Furs finally get to deliver Made of Rain, to an awaiting UK audience, when their tour finally kicks off in Nottingham on 2nd April at Rock City. The album fits very neatly in their repertoire, with their trademark sound not dulled by …

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Clare Grogan - Altered Images by Warren Millar Photography

In 1982, a skinny 19-year-old stood outside Hatfield Polytechnic, trying to get someone to sign him into the Student Union bar, so he could see the band with whom he had become obsessed. Perhaps, more accurately their lead singer, a similar aged Scottish girl, called Clare. Nobody signed him in and heartbroken, he never got …

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28th Jan 2022 It’s date night for me and the current Mrs Callen and I’ve promised her a top night out on the town, to celebrate our first night out in 3 months. For many taking your loving spouse to a Half Man Half Biscuit gig on a Friday night, would have them reaching for …

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