Track: Flume has something to say – drops new track ‘Say Nothing’ and announces upcoming album.
Grammy award winning musician Flume drops a new track and announces the release of album ‘Palaces’.

EP: ‘Blood Moon’ from Melbourne’s Montana Sharp is an honest and raw account of personal growth.
Chanteuse Montana Sharp released a new single ‘Way of the Whiffler’ in January which will appear on her upcoming EP ‘Blood Moon’ which will be dropping on the 11th February. Whiffler is an old English term that describes someone who is constantly changing their mind. Sharp has described how, as inspiration for the EP she …

Review: Max Appeal – Confidence Man release furious new track ‘Feels Like A Different Thing’.
Brisbane-based band, Confidence Man have released a new track, ‘Feels Like a Different Thing’ which is lifted from their forthcoming, sophomore album ‘Tilt’, which will be out on 1 April 2022. According to vocalist, Jane Planet: ‘Feels Like A Different Thing’ isn’t here to mess around, Two lyrics, one riff, no fuss. It’ll get your blood …

News: Truly Madly Deeply – Darren Hayes returns for the Sydney Gay & Lesbian Mardi Gras Parade and releases new single.
Fans of Darren Hayes and Savage Garden will be delighted to learn that the singer will be returning to Sydney for the annual Gay & Lesbian Mardi Gras Parade which is due to take place on 5 March 2022. The performance at this year’s Mardi Gras will mark the first performance by Hayes in over …

Track: Adelaide’s George Alice releases the cathartic ‘Hold On’ and announces tour dates.
George Alice, the artist from Adelaide who won Triple J Unearthed in 2019, with ‘Circles’ is backwith a new release. Her latest single, ‘Hold On’ was written back in 2019, on the same day that ‘Circles’ was. Alice was a startling 15 years old when these tracks were written. ‘Hold On’ was co-written with Maribelle …

Live Review: Amyl And The Sniffers – Speakers Corner, Sydney, NSW 06.01.2022
‘BIRTHDAY PARTY’ The last time I saw Amyl and the Sniffers was at the Factory Theatre in March 2020. Australia had just gone into lockdown, although the PM was encouraging punters to go to the footy. Fast forward two years, the world is still dealing with Covid and Australia has become a circus of the …